Dendrocopos medius
Dendrocopos medius, commonly known as the Middle Spotted Woodpecker, is a medium-sized woodpecker species found in various parts of Europe, including Croatia.
Unlike its larger relative, the Great Spotted Woodpecker, this species can be distinguished by its less contrasting black-and-white plumage and the absence of large white shoulder patches. However, it features a striking red crown on its head, which is particularly vivid in males.
The Middle Spotted Woodpecker inhabits mature, deciduous forests, especially those dominated by oak trees, and is rarely seen in coniferous forests.
The species primarily feeds on insects, but also consumes tree sap and fruit. In Croatia, the Dendrocopos medius plays an important role in maintaining forest health by controlling insect populations and aiding in the creation of nesting sites for other animals.
Its reliance on old-growth forests makes it vulnerable to habitat degradation, emphasising the need for conservation efforts focused on preserving these vital ecosystems.