Himantopus himantopus

The striking Black-winged Stilt, scientifically known as Himantopus himantopus, graces the wetlands and coastal areas of Croatia with its elegance and grace.

With its long, slender legs and distinctive black-and-white plumage, this wading bird is a sight to behold as it delicately navigates shallow waters in search of food. Often found in groups, the Black-winged Stilt is known for its distinctive high-stepping walk and probing bill, which it uses to feed on aquatic insects, small crustaceans, and mollusks.

As a resident and migratory species in Croatia, the presence of the Black-winged Stilt underscores the importance of preserving wetland habitats and coastal ecosystems. Let's celebrate the beauty of the Black-winged Stilt and work together to safeguard the natural environments that support its existence.