Plegadis falcinellus

The Glossy Ibis, scientifically known as Plegadis falcinellus, adds a splash of color to Croatia's wetland areas with its striking, iridescent plumage that shifts from bronze to green in the light.

This bird is recognized by its long, curved bill, ideal for probing in mud and shallow water to find insects, small fish, and crustaceans. The Glossy Ibis favours marshy environments, rice fields, and swamps, where it can often be seen foraging in flocks, enhancing its survival by communal living.

The presence of the Glossy Ibis in Croatia highlights the importance of maintaining diverse wetland habitats that support a variety of bird species. Protecting these areas is crucial not only for the conservation of the Glossy Ibis but also for maintaining the ecological balance and biodiversity of the region. Let’s cherish and safeguard these vital ecosystems that nurture such unique and beautiful birds.